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Securing a competitive spot in a market depends on the intersection of industry dynamics and the organization’s strategy that its people design and execute.
A case in point: From a classic strategy perspective, manufacturing personal computers can look like a bad bet. Overcrowded, highly commoditized, and in the grip of what looks like a slow but inexorable decline, the laptop industry has not been a particularly attractive industry for a long time.
Yet, since introducing the first Macintosh computer in 1984, Apple has endeavored to create a profitable niche in the personal computing industry, evolving and innovating over the past four decades, charging a premium for MacBook Airs and Pros that is much higher than those of their competitors.
As computing continues to evolve and migrate to mobile devices, what future should the iconic Mac play in Apple’s strategy? What does it take to succeed in such a competitive industry, one in which failure is often the result?
Looking at the laptop industry’s value chain through the lens of the industry’s competitive dynamics, the prospects are unpromising. For instance, the industry is “easy” to enter from a technological standpoint; Michael Dell started Dell Computer in his dorm room in college. And for the most part there is little differentiation between laptop manufacturers’ offerings; over time, laptops have become an increasingly commoditized product — highly available and highly interchangeable. For BestBuy, Walmart and Amazon, that’s great news; it’s not so much for Dell or Lenovo. In this commoditized landscape, laptop manufacturers don’t have much bargaining power when it comes to prices because there are literally hundreds of nearly identical options for buyers to choose from. And on the consumer side, there is very little brand loyalty in the laptop industry. The majority of consumers looking to buy a new laptop will make their decisions based on price and specifications — processor speed or the size of the operating system — independent of brand. Finally, Microsoft’s Windows operating system and Intel microprocessors dominate the industry. The so-called “Wintel standard” gives these the system and chip makers huge leverage over PC manufacturers on the supplier side, with virtually zero pricing power left for laptop makers. The difference in margins for Microsoft versus Dell or Lenovo makes this power differential apparent.
Faced with these kinds of unfavorable market dynamics, how did Apple carve out its niche among laptop makers? And what does that mean for other organizations and industries? The answer lies in a capacity to rewrite the playbook.
Historically, Apple had fought back on these unfavorable conditions through a targeted strategy of vertical integration of the value chain. In order to make a laptop, you need a number of things: a processor (the brains of the computer), an operating system (the interface) and the body (to hold the components), among other elements. While competitors such as Dell and Lenovo signed onto the Wintel standard for their critical components, ceding all pricing power to those powerful suppliers, Apple went a different direction. It made a different set of choices at each stage of the value chain.
However, such a strategy did not unfold without its challenges. Given the ubiquity of the Wintel standard, Apple and its Mac products had long been relegated to niche status, commanding single-digit market share. Apple’s do-it-their-own-way strategy was expensive even when commanding price premiums for their products.
Fortunately, a new opportunity presented itself with the rise of smartphones and mobile computing. Replicating the Mac playbook, Apple entered the market with the iPhone, marrying well-designed hardware with its innovative iOS software. The instant success of the iPhone propelled Apple to incredible new heights, making it one of the most valuable companies in the world. Free of the dominant Wintel standard in laptops, Apple was able to command a much larger market share of the mobile phone market.
Each step of the way in the value chain, Apple did something different. The company made deliberate, strategic decisions that allowed it to escape unfavorable industry dynamics and leave much of the competition competing on price for commoditized products.
Of course, it’s one thing to look at this and understand what Apple did; it’s another to replicate it. Steve Jobs and design chief Jony Ive were immeasurably effective at what they did. And as a company, Apple was prepared to take risks. Designing their own operating system to get out from under Microsoft, for example, was an approach that was not immediately profitable given the Mac’s small market share. The big idea was to change the dynamics of the market by pioneering new segments. The end goal was to reconfigure the game such that the company could acquire the things its competitors didn’t have: control over the supply chain, uniqueness and brand loyalty.
The company’s story is ongoing, of course. It remains to be seen if Apple’s strategy will continue to be viable as the market for mobile computing evolves and Apple continues to contend with competitors like Google’s dominant Android operating system. But for your organization, Apple’s approach to creating a more favorable position in a difficult market should give you food for thought.
If you don’t have to simply accept the market conditions you face, what are the strategic moves you can make to occupy a stronger position? Which rule book do you need to rewrite to change the competitive dynamics in your difficult industry?
The preceding is based on the case Apple Inc.: The Future of the Mac (Darden Business Publishing) by Jared D. Harris, Michael Lenox, Carson Brooks and Rebecca Goldberg.
Harris is an expert on both ethics and strategic management. His research centers on the interplay between ethics and strategy, with a particular focus on the topics of corporate governance, business ethics and interorganizational trust. Harris has written extensively on the topics of executive compensation and other governance-related topics.
Harris worked as a certified public accountant and consultant for several leading public accounting firms in Boston and Portland, Oregon, and served as the CFO of a small technology firm in Washington, D.C. He consults with several top financial services companies on the topics of strategic management, ethics and compliance.
He recently published The Strategist’s Toolkit, a primer on strategic thinking, with Darden Professor Mike Lenox. He also co-authored the recently published paper “Model-Theoretic Knowledge Accumulation: The Case of Agency Theory and Incentive Alignment” in the Academy of Management Review and a forthcoming paper titled “A Comparison of Alternative Measures of Organizational Aspirations” for the Strategic Management Journal.
B.S., M.Acc., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Lenox’s expertise is in the domain of technology strategy and policy. He studies the role of innovation in helping a business succeed. In particular, he explores the sourcing of external knowledge by firms and this practice’s impact on a company’s innovation strategy. Lenox has a longstanding interest in the interface between business strategy and public policy as it relates to the natural environment; his work explores firm strategies and nontraditional public policies that have the potential to drive green innovation and entrepreneurship.
In 2013, Lenox co-authored The Strategist’s Toolkit with Darden Professor Jared Harris. His latest book,
Lenox is a prolific author; his most recent book, Strategy in the Digital Age: Mastering Digital Transformation, examines how digital technologies and services enable the creation of innovative products and services, as well as identifying new competitive positions.
B.S., M.S., University of Virginia; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology