These insights from Darden Ideas to Action articles unveil the value of ethical considerations from a variety of standpoints and in a variety of sectors. They contain lessons for business leaders, employees and consumers.
In an age in which the public is actively invested in the values of a company and reputations can change abruptly, corporate responsibility is both a moral and business imperative. Here, Darden experts offer insights on corporate social responsibility and the evolving relationship of business and society.
In 2017, Amazon announced it would acquire Whole Foods, and the company paid $13.2 billion for the deal, about $9 billion more than the grocery chain's fair market value. Will this ultimately mean a massive write down in value for the tech giant or a savvy investment?
Darden Professor Luann Lynch peeked under Volkswagen’s hood to determine just how Germany’s premier car maker managed to destroy its once sterling reputation.
Darden Professors Mary Margaret Frank and Luann Lynch delve into the world of aggressive tax and financial reporting and reveal a remarkable fact.