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How are we going to grow? It’s a perennial question, and for many senior executives, “mergers and acquisitions” is the quick answer. But such deals are more risky than many executives realize. The stats are sobering: 65 to 85 percent of mergers and acquisitions fail to create shareholder value. One-quarter even destroy it.
Why do so many deals go badly? In general, firms are unprepared and inexperienced to manage complex events, according to a 2011 McKinsey survey of senior executives. The majority of firms do less than one big deal annually, and only one-third of companies have dedicated integration teams. Such deals become special, high-cost events, fraught with risks of losing talent and customers. But given that mergers and acquisitions are so regularly pursued, companies should develop the framework to handle them. They should start by evaluating four areas: strategy, architecture (the organization’s structure), “plumbing and wiring” (technology and operations) and culture.
Here are the 20 critical questions companies can use to assess prospective deals. These questions are meant to spark fruitful conversations and help companies plan, particularly the questions for which the answer isn’t an easy “Yes.”
To be successful, deals need to have a clear vision and mission for exactly how they’ll create economic value, plus a realistic sense of where challenges may lie.
The goal is a firm at which redundancies are eliminated, but the parts of the business that need to be distinct remain independent. Staffing should be decided based on merit and qualification, not a sense of loyalty to longtime colleagues or an attempt to evenly distribute leadership roles between the merged organizations.
If they go well, information technology integration can deliver an estimated 10 to 15 percent cost savings, according to McKinsey data. But systems are often an under-scrutinized area, in which unpleasant surprises are too often discovered after the fact.
Tread carefully: Cultural differences between companies can be greater than cultural differences between nations. It’s vital for companies to know what they hope to be after the deal — their original selves (but bigger), or a new version? They have to work thoughtfully to bridge any cultural gaps.
The preceding is based on the technical note 20 Questions for Every M&A: Improving Postmerger Integration Performance (Darden Business Publishing), by L.J. Bourgeois III and alumnus Allen Harvey (MBA ’12); and Corporate Marriage Counseling: 20 Questions for Integrating Acquisitions (Darden Business Publishing), by L. J. Bourgeois III.
Bourgeois is an expert in business strategy, its implementation, mergers and acquisitions, and post-merger integration. He has consulted more than 100 public and private corporations, nonprofits and governments across the globe.
The author of a book on post-merger integration and two books on strategy, Corporate Marriage Counseling: Strategies for Integrating Acquisitions, Strategic Management: From Concept to Implementation and Strategic Management: A Managerial Perspective, Bourgeois has also written more than 140 cases and articles in Harvard Business Review and other management journals and is among the top 0.5 percent of most cited authors in the field of management. Before coming to Darden, he taught at Stanford Business School.
B.S., MBA, Tulane University; Ph.D., University of Washington
For More Successful Mergers and Acquisitions, Play 20 Questions