A collection from the editors of Ideas to Action

Lean Hospitals? How Lessons From Manufacturing Can Improve Health Care


Process improvement and eliminating waste (and anything non-value-adding is waste): Lean thinking can transform industries beyond the factory floor. Here's how one medical department used lean methods to save time, reduce costs, boost productivity and, ultimately, make patients better, faster.


How Is Technology Transforming Humanity? Q&A With Darden Professor Roshni Raveendhran


Technology is reshaping the way we work, play and interact with other humans. Darden Professor Raveendhran, one of the organizers of the New Directions in Research on the Psychology of Technology Conference, discusses the risks and opportunities in store in this article and video.


The Chinese Economy: Regulation vs. Shadow Banking

shadow banking

Shadow banking is on the rise in China. Given the inherently fragile nature of the phenomenon and the importance of the Chinese economy to the global economy, the situation begs questions: Why? How is shadow banking different in China vs. the U.S.? Do government regulations do what they intend?


Insights for Entrepreneurs: How to Be Fearless and Evaluate Risk

Jean Case

Video: In the inaugural Leadership Unscripted speaker series event at UVA Darden DC Metro, Professor Mary Margaret Frank spoke with Case Foundation CEO and National Geographic Society Chair Jean Case about fearless entrepreneurship and how companies should think about mitigating versus valuing risk.


UVA Football: Fanning the Flames for Fans


The tenets of a strategic turnaround, the lens of sports: A major source of revenue for university athletics, when football attendance slips, that means money left on the table — money that could fund scholarships, salaries and renovations. Here’s how UVA worked to energize the fan base.