
What’s the State of Women in Leadership?

The state of women at work has been at the forefront of discussions about unexpected consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. But data sets and stories during the pandemic often highlighted trends seemingly in opposition: women’s leadership roles were growing, women in the workforce were declining. Darden experts weigh in.

Coaches and Counselors: Which One Is Right for Me?

The pandemic, social unrest, and political and economic conditions are leading to serious career re-evaluation as well as mental health challenges. Coaches and counselors help people increase self-awareness, grow skills, and eliminate barriers to success. When one is more useful and appropriate? How does one determine the best fit?

The Stakeholder Podcast: Race in Business and Sports in Society

In The Stakeholder Podcast, Professor Ed Freeman interviews Bill Shelton, who leveraged his success for social good. They discuss race in business, sports in society and how the habits of elite athletes can translate into career performance. Shelton’s EOS helps female athletes translate their success into corporate careers and sponsorships.

Coaches and Counselors: Partners to Help Us Survive and Thrive in Turbulent Times

Millions are quitting in the “Great Resignation.” And the pandemic, major social unrest, and frightening political and economic conditions are leading to serious re-evaluation and mental health challenges. Coaches and counselors help people increase self-awareness, grow skills, and eliminate barriers to success. What might be a good fit for you?

A 2022 Vision: 5 Lessons From 2021 Coming Into Focus

Much about 2021 looked like 2020. But as the world adapted to ongoing pandemic life, we also had to stay nimble in the face of uncertainty. We tried to roll with the punches. 2021 saw new developments and challenges, as well as existing issues that evolved. Here, we look at themes and observations Darden experts explored over the course of 2021.

On the (Basket)Ball: What Business Can Learn from Steph Curry

Professor Elliott Weiss Looks on basketball star Steph Curry and what business lessons can be learned from his game.

Less Is More: Add Value Through Subtraction

Change the world through subtraction: New research examines subtraction neglect — the human inclination to improve by adding to what exists, rather than to subtract and simplify. Here’s advice on how to add subtraction to your cognitive toolkit, which can have distinct benefits in work and life.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Professor Martin Davidson writes on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and how corporate America will chose to invest in progress.

How AI and Machine Learning Are Driving a Planning Revolution and Helping Business Manage Uncertainty

Professor Yael Grushka-Cockayne and the Batten Institute’s Sean Carr discuss how new tools in data science, AI, machine learning and harnessing the wisdom of the crowd have revolutionized how people and organizations plan.

Climate Change Is Having Its Moment: Too Little, Too Late?

November was a big month for climate, with excitement around renewed talks at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) and Biden’s signing of the U.S. infrastructure bill. Yet recent commitments made by governments may not be enough to avoid the inevitable disruption that will be experienced around the world due to global warming.