Around 90 percent of the cases of blindness in Ethiopia are avoidable. Restoring and maintaining sight frequently depends on corneal transplants, but those require access, and the global demand is greater than the supply. One partnership created a system to meet 100 percent of the current demand for quality corneal tissue in Ethiopia.
Grassroots organizations are engines for transformation but lack stable funding. To address these challenges, IAF and the Mott Foundation created a public-private partnership to put underserved communities in control of projects that improve quality of life, foster civic engagement and contribute to a more robust democracy in Mexico.
The greatest global health challenge for children is disease related to water, sanitation and hygiene. To address these health challenges, Sesame Workshop and World Vision established the Wash Up! initiative with the ultimate goal of reducing the number of children suffering or dying from preventable and treatable diseases.
Too often, well-meaning aid programs meet bare-minimum standards of quality — just “good enough” for the world’s poorest people. But by addressing “wicked problems” through the lens of design thinking and a social business model, one public-private partnership has been able to improve the health and livelihood of residents in eastern Congo.
Noncommunicable diseases lead to over 90 percent of all deaths in Ukraine, many of them preventable. With technological advancements and the removal of financial barriers, one public-private partnership is working to deliver essential services to improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medicine to patients at little to no cost.
How Jeep and Bill Murray responded to a pandemic: a popular Super Bowl commercial for an SUV reincarnated as a message encouraging consumers to stay home and off the road. Here are an expert marketer’s observations of how brands shifted when faced with an integral shift in the way the world did business and people lived their lives.
A revolution in the way we understand business: It can and should seek to improve the state of the world. In an excerpt from their forthcoming book, Darden Professors R. Edward Freeman and Bidhan L. Parmar, experts in stakeholder theory, discuss models for businesses not solely driven by profit maximization.
Faced with limited customer flow, forced shut down of operations and a looming economic recession, the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic leaves small-business owners to make decisions with little idea of what the future may hold. What lessons can they take from the success and resiliency of businesses that have survived crises in the past?
Increasing urbanization can prove challenging in the era of COVID-19 social distancing, particularly given the dependence on essential services and the unique health concerns of high-population density. A new study clarifies the tradeoffs between city and suburban patterns of consumption and how different areas fulfill essential daily functions.
Professor Ed Freeman and Joseph Burton, Executive Director, Institute for Business in Society, discuss purpose driven business and the effects of COVID-19.