After misstating earnings, which companies come clean? In the aftermath of major corporate scandal, Professor Justin Hopkins takes stock of employee stock option misreporting, disincentives to investigate misbehavior and constraints to integrity.
Diverse companies produce higher financial returns, yet the pay gap persists. Research from Professor Morela Hernandez examines the fact that racially biased hiring managers offer lower salaries to black candidates who negotiate. So what can organizations do to mitigate the impact of racial biases?
After several changes to its business model related to its service and fees (some more transparent than others), and a recent decision to automatically restore the subscriptions of customers who had previously opted out of the service, MoviePass has been under fire.
Darden Professor Jim Detert and Ph.D. candidate Evan Bruno have developed the Workplace Courage Acts Index (WCAI) to measure how courageous each of numerous workplace behaviors is seen as being in respondents’ own work environments, and how frequently each occurs when opportunities arise.
UVA Darden School of Business Professor Bidhan Parmar re-examined Milgram’s audiotapes. What he found exemplifies how both Darden and UVA’s McIntire School of Commerce approach ethics education.
Darden Professor Luann Lynch peeked under Volkswagen’s hood to determine just how Germany’s premier car maker managed to destroy its once sterling reputation.