AI companions are designed to support the individual but what is the impact on broader society? Don’t we as humans get something out of supporting each other?
New research aims to make AI systems fairer when assigning tasks or allocating resources, giving everyone an equal shot at getting what they want.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, a unified team executing a flawed strategy often outperforms those pursuing a perfect strategy with fractured alignment. This principle of prioritizing alignment over flawless planning forms the cornerstone of the seven critical foundations for competitive success in the AI era.
As the race for fully autonomous vehicles heats up, challenges remain on the road to widespread adoption. Key to overcoming these obstacles will be consumer acceptance, technological advances, and regulation.
How close are we to fully automated vehicles and how will transportation itself change as a result?
The benefits of diversity in decision-making are well-documented. Having different perspectives and expertise produces better outcomes. But those don’t necessarily surface during discussions. How can leaders and organizations get the most from diverse perspectives and enhance the quality of conversations to achieve the best decisions?
Advances in AI and machine learning algorithms that can collect, interpret and generate data are happening fast. What happens when organizations automate managerial processes in pursuit of productivity gains? How might having an AI “boss” make people feel about themselves, their jobs and their status within the organizations that employ them?
Smart technology will completely change both your way of life and your way of working. We will live in the most disruptive time for the workforce since the Great Depression. What does this mean for millions of lives, for the public school system and for society at large? And what is to be done about it?
From the explosion of Generative AI to the evolution of the hybrid workplace, disruption has become the “norm” for business. How will business and society be shaped by disruption in 2024?
Is Silicon Valley the next Detroit? Despite layoffs in Big Tech, there are reasons to remain optimistic that the Bay Area can continue to avoid the fate of so many communities that have seen their prospects dim as their once hot new industry faded. The key is to avoid stagnation by encouraging vigorous competition.